Thursday, April 26, 2012

Losing It part 3

For those of my readers who have seen my recent posts on Facebook, you already know this...or some if it. For others who don't have valuable time to waste on social networks--techno-gossip--hope you get a laugh.
As a follow-up to a recent post here, I did locate the missing new phone in my husband's car--it had slid down the front passenger seat on the side by the door. Finding it only brought a pale sense of relief. Five days later, the new phone parachuted from the pocket of my pants into a flushing toilet. I never saw it go in, but heard it, and knew from the ache in my stomach that I wasn't going to find it under the cabinet in the powder room, where I'd hoped beyond reason that it would appear.
Stop laughing! It's not that funny. Nor is it uncommon. The comments on my FB post revealed many stories of cellphone mishaps.
I had just transferred a large collection of phone numbers off the old cell, and didn't get rid of it. A few hours later, I heard a faint buzzing sound from the potty where it took a nosedive. A brief session with a plunger retrieved it, and withing a few days of letting it dry out in a jar of rice, it still has capacity to function, at least as a camera or storage device for MP3 files. The new one--if it survives past the two year expiration date for the insurance policy--will suffice for now.

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